Blop blop from Davedonuts we Vimeo.
Project Philip Daney_internat future from Davedonuts we Vimeo.
Project Philip Daney_internat future 2 / 3 from Davedonuts we Vimeo.
Project Philip Daney_internat future 3 / 3 from Davedonuts Vimeo is .
Anim-Invitation for crepe evening in Tourcoing (home at the time), recovery of Mario and Pacman on the subway Roubaix with controllers in their pursuit ...... (February 2008)
& Blop bot : Animation for video game project aborted - (Robot Design: Roman Baudy )
Amourphous Blue: Small Test to exercise forms tweens, blur, light ... (May 2010)
Little Animation (2sec) of Logo for Project Salami "also failed ... logo design by William Viemont
to see if I can use this technique to court-métrage/publicité ... So for commercial or small series of funny little things, I feel my ... bwarh, it'll probably be both. to follow.
Details - Clips from David Pastorino we Vimeo.