Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Ap Bio

Bob Van der Auwera, cubes and square

" First Cause" (1969). Painted iron. 35 x 31 x 31 cm

The work of Bob Van der Auwera is centered on the notion of space. Starting not to matter but the vacuum, the artist uses primarily oxidized steel to build the "empty boxes" arranged in the square, cube, and their variations, structures which "punctuate space by offering chosen views. " Visions actually, since the perception of emptiness, and the volume that contains it, change the slightest movement, and gives all its importance to the course the viewer. The artist is like - usually - the movement built.

The sculptor exhibits in dialogue with the painter Luc Mondry. A view from February 17 to March 20, 2011 at the Galerie Albert Dumont ( http://www.galeriedumont.be/ ; the link does not work at time of publication) Rue Léon Lepage 43 to Brussels.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rate Of Respiration Of Reptile Vs Mammal

Morellet reinstalls

Guests at the Centre Pompidou, Morellet has preferred to show a particular aspect of his art facilities. It works for him is temporary, created in his solo shows or events in which it participates.
They are designed for a specific location and executed on the spot, with light means. Destined to disappear or be removed after the event, they are very little known, except to have been seen on each occasion, as during the Nuit Blanche in Paris in 2005, for a few hours at dusk on the banks of the Seine. The exhibition, which gathers and reinstalls twenty-six of them at the Centre Pompidou is an entirely new proposal.
From the page on the site of the Pompidou Center devoted to the exhibition:
Exhibition " Morellet, relocations " of March 2 July 4, 2011, Centre Pompidou, Paris .

Movies Playing In Ottawa

Sylvie Pic, mined areas ...

In the framework of events organized around 30 years of the workshop drawing Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels, a remarkable exhibition of drawings Sylvie of Pic (details at the workshop: http://dessindrawing.blogspot.com/2011/01/30-ans-de-latelier-de-dessin.html .
February 25 March 31, 2011 at the ARBA -ESA, 144 rue du Midi in Brussels .

About the artist:
http://dessindrawing.blogspot.com/2009/05/sylvie-pic- of-spaces-qualitatifs.html
His site: http://documentsdartistes.org/artistes/pic/page1.html , including a pdf file : http://documentsdartistes.org/artistes/pic/Pic-web.pdf

Simultaneously with the exhibition, international conference "The design ", these 25, 26 and 27 February 2011. As part of the exhibition "Drawing year in Expanded Field " 300 Years of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels and 30 years of drawing workshop at De Markten , 5 Oude Graanmarkt / Place du Vieux Marché aux Grains, 1000 Brussels (see: http://dessindrawing.blogspot.com/2010/12/colloque-international-le-dessin.html )

For pleasure, for a work made outside: "Libido Videnda " (1995). Anamorphosis, acrylic on concrete, about 500 x 800 cm. Claude Almodovar photography . Do not miss the exhibition of the ARBA -ESA, two "black boxes" ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Estimate The Pressure Exerted On The Floor By

Penetrations Ernesto Neto

Tom McCarthy puts into words the story shown by Ernesto Neto: one of passion for a woman within which the artist would like to enter, not only by the sexual penetration, but by all his skin, every pore, all its interstices, penetrate its secrets, driven by a mad desire of interiority and a passion so particular that this raises immediately the question: this woman is she or is it a mental production? Both probably. Tom McCarthy writes very well the desire and the impossibility - "What I Was loosing inventorying" the impossible always to know what is "inside" inside the other, and how to penetrate in the depths of the soul and body together.

The box designed by Ernesto Neto further underscores the folly of desire: a waffle, a cushion seams ... It's plastic and literary purple and sewn, architectural and body. It never ceases to desire to open the Pandora's box to admire himself in indoor spaces sensory Ernesto Neto, whose director of the Hayward Gallery in London, Ralph Rugoff, rightly said that "His work is multisensory, he appeals to your sense of touch and your smell. Neto creates installations of nature abstract and biomorphic - installations that evoke the skin and inside the human body ...

Extracts of the article published on the website "Daily the" http://www.lesquotidiennes.com/book-chastity

Inside this box, 8 original prints on paper Photo and 8 others on cotton paper that show views of his installation created in 2009 at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (Japan). Published by Editions Take5 ( http://www.take5editions.com/ ) specializing in art books.

The book presentation by designers of GVA Studio.

Does Mammal Respirate Faster Than Reptile

Test Drive Unlimited 2 / / / 03

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Calories In A Bag Of Homestyle

Test Drive Unlimited 2 / / / 02 Test Drive Unlimited 2

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Small Ear Gauges For Guys

Concepts made for Test Drive Unlimited 2

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Women Volley Ball Cameltoe


Bonjouuur Hello!
I just lay a small illustrations for the poster of the event "blop" (see page below) of Nouschi Ruellan, I want to sway others recovered in the depths of my computer. .
the technique used is flash, flash and flash again. because Flash, that's life.
is also the pencil for the last two

Yesh, Minnie is a bit like a Puput. I confess.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free Sample Letter Of Completed Volunteer Hours

Migration du blog! Visit Guillaume Dunand

On the sstatistiques after, you are thirty to visit me regularly on this blog and I thank you!

The blog is getting old and no longer very easy way to share videos and photos. Therefore it will no longer be updated. You can follow the news, new pictures and videos coming http://www.wix.com/davidpastorino/davidpastorino

you soon on the new site!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Highland Dancing For Sale

end of December, William came to visit me. A few days in Barcelona where he can run outside in winter without freezing your fingers, without changing the liquid and without the runny nose too.
short 4 or 5 days of cycling, one or two small parties for form and good sandwiches Catalan, a good way to end the year 2010 and to attack the next full of motivation!