Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Ap Bio

Bob Van der Auwera, cubes and square

" First Cause" (1969). Painted iron. 35 x 31 x 31 cm

The work of Bob Van der Auwera is centered on the notion of space. Starting not to matter but the vacuum, the artist uses primarily oxidized steel to build the "empty boxes" arranged in the square, cube, and their variations, structures which "punctuate space by offering chosen views. " Visions actually, since the perception of emptiness, and the volume that contains it, change the slightest movement, and gives all its importance to the course the viewer. The artist is like - usually - the movement built.

The sculptor exhibits in dialogue with the painter Luc Mondry. A view from February 17 to March 20, 2011 at the Galerie Albert Dumont ( http://www.galeriedumont.be/ ; the link does not work at time of publication) Rue Léon Lepage 43 to Brussels.